Interlibrary Loan gives you access to materials from libraries throughout Indiana and beyond.

To provide access materials we don’t have in our collection, TCPL offers the Interlibrary Loan service. After a request is received, staff will request the item through Indiana Share, an ILL service provided by the Indiana State Library.

It typically takes 2-4 weeks to receive ILL materials, but may take longer depending on availability. Once an ILL arrives, customers receive a hold notice. The requested materials are held for 14 days at the checkout desk. Any materials not checked out within that time are returned to the lending library.

If ILL material is not available, customers will receive a Cancellation Notice via email.


TCPL does not charge for ILL services. Occasionally, a lending library may charge a fee. In that case, the ILL librarian will contact the patron to see if they are willing to pay.

Interlibrary Loan Rules

  1. ILL is available only to TCPL cardholders.
  2. Requests are accepted only for titles not held by TCPL. We cannot accept ILL requests for books and other materials published within the last 9 months.
  3. An item can only be requested once in six month period.
  4. Customers may place up to 3 ILL requests per day. Only one season of a TV series may be requested at a time.
  5. Materials must be picked up and returned in person to the checkout desk at any TCPL branch.  Do not return ILL materials in any book drop.
  6. Repeated failure to pick up ILL materials may result in loss of ILL privileges.
  7. Returning ILL materials very late or damaged may result in loss of ILL privileges. You are responsible for any replacement costs or late fees charged by the lending library if materials are returned late or damaged to TCPL.


The lending libraries set the due dates and determine whether an item can be renewed. Please submit a renewal at least three days in advance to give us time to contact the lender. You can submit a request through the ILL Renewal Form.

For DVDs, please use a director, actor, or company. For music, put the artist or band.
Enter full number without spaces.