Building and Property Use Policy
The Tippecanoe County Public Library Board of Trustees, Administration and Staff are committed to providing library users with a setting that is conducive to library activities. It is intended that these will be activities usually associated with public library use and that support TCPL’s roles of Reference Center, Educational Support Center, Early Education Center and Popular Materials Center. Therefore, any person whose behavior does not support such a setting may be asked to leave library property resulting in the loss of access to Library services. Decisions concerning acceptable behavior of library users will be made by the Library Director or the Director’s designee.
The following list, that is by no means complete, includes examples of behaviors for which any individual may be asked to leave the library or library properties, or have library services access revoked:
- Damage, defacement, or destruction of library materials, equipment, facilities or properties.
- Any attempt to steal library property, or that of another library user or employee, or to maliciously destroy the property of a library customer or employee.
- Creation of any public disturbance including the use of obscene language; deviant, threatening or abusive behavior, whether in general or directed at any specific person or persons; offensive smells or sounds that constitute a nuisance.
- Any prolonged use of the facilities without demonstrated engagement in acceptable library activity.
- Eating in non-designated areas of the library.
- Drinking from a container that cannot be completely closed.
- Smoking or use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited both inside and outside of library buildings, including library parking lots and entrances.
- Inappropriate activities and behavior include, but are not limited to:
- possession of alcohol or illegal drugs; public intoxication or illegal drug use;
- possession of objects inappropriate for library use such as: shopping carts, suitcases or bags of laundry;
- possession of unauthorized animals;
- gambling, solicitation or sleeping.
- Library property is not to be used for unauthorized recreational activities such as skateboarding, rollerblading, or racing.
Members of the library staff will enforce this policy. When deemed appropriate by the staff member(s), the appropriate authorities will be contacted. Repeat violators and/or those who refuse to leave will be subject to arrest and prosecution under Section 35-43-2-2 of the Indiana Code entitled “Criminal Trespass.”
These policies and rules as stated above will be posted in a public area of the library building.
Adopted: 8/02/88
Revised: 5/07/96; 12/01/98; 2/03/04; 3/03/09; 07/05/11